
    8 Smart Ways To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

    Have your jeans gotten tighter? Does your favorite outfit not fit as loosely and comfortably anymore? Is your mother-in-law giving your muffin-top a dirty stare? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Gaining weight is part and parcel of daily life, hence it is nothing to fret over. Calm down, breathe, sit back and read our article for life-changing tips that will transform your life forever. We will guide you through simple tips and tricks that will enable you to shed those extra pounds and feel confident about yourself.

    1. Lemon Honey Water Detox

    When you wake up in the morning, consume a lukewarm glass of honey and lemon water – just mix half a lemon with 1 tablespoon of honey in one glass of water, heat and gulp down. This is a miracle drink that satiates your sugar cravings throughout the day, boosts upon your metabolism, builds and boosts your immune system and clears up any congestion in your skin. You are sure to lose at least 2 pounds every week if you follow this regimen strictly. Moreover, it will get rid of any clogged toxins in your intestines and stomach, thereby reducing future storage of fat in your body. What more could you ask for?

    2. Apple Cider Vinegar

    This drink does not have a pleasant taste, but it will have brilliant effect on your body. Consuming a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, of good quality and organic nature, will literally burn your fat and boost your metabolism. It can also be diluted in a glass of water and consumed in this manner, if you find the taste to be too acidic to be consumed directly. This is a fast and effective mechanism of reducing weight, without resorting to crash dieting or yo-yo diets.

    3. Eliminate the White Stuff

    Go into your kitchen, and throw out anything that is white – this includes white pasta, white rice, white flour, white sugar, white bread, cheese, butter, margarine, cream, potatoes, bananas etc. All these foods are loaded with carbohydrates, fats and sugars, all of which you should be strictly avoiding if you want to see dramatic weight loss. Moreover, these foods slow the body’s metabolism down and make you crave more and more sugary and starchy foods. Excess of carbohydrates is why people have bulging stomachs and protruding bellies, hence eliminate this food group altogether for a slimmer, sleeker you!

    4. Squat That Butt

    Exercise, exercise, and exercise – these three words are enough to make any overweight person recoil with terror. This is why we suggest squatting, which is an easy, effective and quick way of toning your muscles. Increase of muscles within the body is a process that burns fat, because it actually takes fat to produce muscle! Squatting is an easy exercise that can be performed in your work place, bedroom or your TV lounge – wherever and whenever you fancy!

    5. No Bedtime Eating

    A common trait among overweight individuals is the habit of snacking during odd hours, which leads to bulking up of fat in all the wrong places. This is because the body has no activity to perform during odd hours, such as before bedtime, hence all the food gets stored as fat within the body. Accumulating of adipose tissues then results in excess pounds and tight clothes, and actually encourages faster storage of fat in the future. This is why not eating after 10PM every night is an effective way of losing weight in a healthy and fast manner.

    6. Avoid ‘Diet’ Food

    Yes, you heard us right! Stay away from the diet food aisle in the shopping center, because these foods are actually extremely unhealthy for you. This is because though they contain reduced amount of calories, they are actually extremely high in fats and sugars, which are not found within the calorie count. So you might want to stick to lesser amounts of normal foods, then opting for these dangerously unhealthy diet meals.

    7. Pack on that Protein

    Eating a protein-rich diet is a brilliant way of filling your stomach, reducing cravings and encouraging muscle production. This is beneficial because we often end up losing a lot of muscle during cardio exercises, and muscle is important in order to burn fat. In order to ensure quick and effective weight loss, consume grilled or baked fish and chicken, or boiled eggs. Margaret Thatcher followed a famous 2-week diet which consisted of consuming almost 4 boiled eggs daily, in order to lose 21 pounds! This shows that consuming protein is a completely yet magical way of shedding those pesky pounds.

    8. Cheat Your Way Thin

    Most people end up failing from their diets or simply giving up altogether because they are too hard on themselves. The key is to allow one cheat day, usually on the weekends, where you allow yourself to eat anything and everything. This will ensure that you follow your diet strictly for the remaining 6 days, and do not crave sugar or starch during random timings. Such ‘cheating’ has been followed by many celebrities such as Uma Therman, Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez – and it has been proven to work wonders!

    We hope these eight tips and tricks will help you in shedding weight fast and in meeting your target weight loss goals. Stick to these guidelines strictly, and you are sure to lose at least 2-3 pounds every week, if not more!

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